Rediscover Your Best Self

It’s time to tap into the best of who you are and live life on your terms.

If you’re struggling to find balance in your world…

If you feel you’re squandering your precious time on things that don’t fulfil you…

If you know you need to make changes but you’re held back by indecision or fear…

If you’re feeling so stuck that you don’t know where to start…

I can help you!

I coach women who want more balance, purpose and fulfilment in their lives.

Coaching with me is about stepping off the hamster wheel for a few sacred hours to explore who you are, what really matters to you and what you want for this next chapter of your life.
Together we’ll dig into what’s holding you back, develop a plan to help you make lasting changes and set you firmly on the path towards the life you want to lead.

“Susie genuinely cares about helping you be the best you can be. She’s empathetic, professional and a great listener who’s been with me on my journey, supporting me through the ups and the downs so I never felt alone. As a result, I feel inspired and energised with a newfound sense of peace, confidence and excitement about my future.”

Nicky Whitfield

What changes do you want to make in your life?