About Me

I’m here to help you find more balance, purpose and fulfilment in your life.

Many of the women I work with have a sense that they’ve somehow lost touch with who they really are, whether through challenging circumstances or day-to-day busyness.
Often their self-belief has diminished over the years, to the point where they’re no longer sure what they’re capable of – and from this place taking no action can feel safer than taking a step towards change.

About Me

I’m here to help you find more balance, purpose and fulfilment in your life.

Many of the women I work with have a sense that they’ve somehow lost touch with who they really are, whether through challenging circumstances or day-to-day busyness.
Often their self-belief has diminished over the years, to the point where they’re no longer sure what they’re capable of – and from this place taking no action can feel safer than taking a step towards change.

And what constantly inspires me, but no longer surprises me, is how quickly change happens, once we start coaching together.

Just allowing yourself the space to slow down and be heard, understood and supported can be profoundly healing. It’s not always about wholesale change – sometimes even a small shift can be enough to set you on a different path.
And as you start to take charge of your life again, you can expect to feel calmer, more confident, more energetic – and capable of so much more than you imagined possible.
“Susie has been hugely instrumental in me finding clarity on what I want to do in my professional life and what my calling is”
Isabel Ross

Life before coaching

After studying French and German at university and working briefly in international banking, I spent many years in the headhunting industry. Then I moved out of London and started a family. I traded my 60-hour week for the more flexible work of freelance copywriting and CV writing, before spending several years as a full-time mother.

Discovering coaching

My journey into becoming a coach began when I sought out coaching myself, whilst at a crossroads and at a fairly low ebb. I wanted to return to work – but I had lost confidence in my abilities and was struggling to figure out what I could do that would give me a sense of purpose and feel like more than just a day job.

Coaching for me was truly transformational and I knew instantly it was the work I wanted to do. I trained with the industry-leading Co-Active Training Institute (CTI) and now run my coaching practice from my home in East Sussex.

When I’m not coaching

I’m a mother to two daughters in their early twenties, one at university and one beyond, and am loving seeing them making their way in the world. The things I enjoy the most in life are walking, being out in nature, connecting with friends, languages, comedy, laughter and great food – especially if someone else has cooked it!

“I’m a lot more self-aware. I recognise that I need to look after myself if I’m to successfully look after those around me. To be the best I can be means prioritising time for me and this has been a real shift.”
Kate Hearn

What changes do you want to make in your life?